Creative CPD
for therapists

Peer support + energy psychology

For a bit of extra sparkle

This group might be just what you're looking for if you're:

EP experience requirements 

Even if you've completed training in one or more EP methods, as a minimum requirement, we ask that you have at least 20 hours of personal experience using the core EFT point sequence. This 20 hours can be made up of any of the following:

The reason for the above is because this is an experiential group and it's important that group members have personal experiences of how EP can impact themselves and/or others. While we recognise the value of training in EP, we prioritise the experiential aspect of this which is why we also recognise the importance of self-directed experiential learning.

Please note that:

If you're currently completing a professional training in counselling, psychotherapy, clinical or counselling psychology etc but exceed the 20 hours EP requirement, please also feel free to get in touch if you're used to working collaboratively with psycho-therapeutically literate peers.

If you have no experience in EP and feel drawn to exploring this with other counsellors and psychotherapists etc, applied use of two EP core-methods is included in both the Introduction to the Five Elements and the Dip CAFE

How could this help you?

Check out some potential benefits of this energy-psychology-supported-relational-space at the bottom of the Creative CPD welcome page.

Next step

I've benefited from these methods since my teenage years and use them discerningly within my counselling practice. Since 2012, I've worked closely with my counselling colleague Janice who also shares a deep interest in energy psychology. She's a valuable part of the group but has asked me to take the lead in coordinating things.

While I'm happy to set the overall direction, I believe everyone has valuable experiences and suggestions to contribute. If this peer support space with added energy psychology sparkle interests you, feel free to get in touch and we'll arrange a time and place (either face to face, phone or video chat) to find out a bit more about each other and what's on offer.

April 2025 group

Wednesday 23rd, 7:30pm to 9:30pm.

Focus: Core technique two and peer counselling supervision.

Location: Bitterne, Southampton.